
Asche zu Farbgut Festival

Asche zu Farbgut – a contemporary art festival

Orbis is a light and video installation built exclusively for the art festival Asche zu Farbgut in Augsburg 2016. The festival offers an outlook on what can and will be achieved with the future transformation of the old industrial area into a creative area by showcasing a broad spectrum of contemporary art.

Industrial use reinterpreted

In this context Orbis is the central art piece of the main bar and party location of the festival. Hovering over the visitors like a majestic cloud it captures the industrial vibe of the industrial building former used to cool down gas for further processing. It’s a modern, abstract interpretation of the industrial use of natures forces which also shows in the way of manufacturing the installation.

Eyecatching through sound- and videoreactive light

3D printing combined with industrially processed organic materials result in a complex form, revealing different shapes and endless possibilities for interpretation to the visitors depending on their point of view. Projection Mapping brought the structure to life with sound- and video-reactive lightbulbs as its heart beat. Live VJ performances accompanying the main DJs at night create a high-energy vibe perfect for the main party location of the festival.


This installation was a collaboration with Dominik Liebherr, Steffen Hörbrand, Jakob Nicklbauer and Markus Puhlmann


Produced for

Orangerie e.V.


Concept, Installation, Motion